Monforts Fong's Textile Machinery Company Limited
Monforts Fong's Textile Machinery (Zhongshan) Company Limited

Stenter Frame Range
Montex 6500

Integrated heat recovery
With the new integrated heat recovery system, Monforts is once again underlining its pioneering role with innovative concepts for more economy and more ecology. The waste heat produced in the thermal process and contained in the exhaust air is discharged via the exhaust air ducts directly into the air/air heat exchanger. The new Monforts heat exchanger of space-saving rectangular design (Koenig system) is integrated into the roof construction of the stenter. The exhaust air heat is converted in the heat exchanger to heat up the process air. The heated fresh air enters the fresh air inlets of the stenter via integrated fresh air ducts. Up to 60% of the fresh air required by the stenter can be preheated in this way. The energy saving lies between 10% and 30%, depending on the production. The fans for exhaust and fresh air have variable-frequency motors.